
Travel Tuesdays

Back in my younger, more footloose and fancy free days, I was an avid traveler. There is something so invigorating, so stimulating, so freeing, about stepping on to new ground. A small piece of the earth, that you have never seen before, smelled before, tasted before. New colors, new sounds, new people. It is impossible in such instances, to not be fully awake, fully present, drinking everything in... a gift to the senses. Big trips, small trips, road trips, plane trips, camping, fancy hotels... I experienced it all. I remember when I set out on my biggest trip ever- an around the world ticket with stops in 7 countries- I told myself that "Someday, I will have a family with little kids, and picking up and traveling will not be so easy. It is for then, as much as now, that I travel." And imagine that... now is here. So with my antsyness for spring, I thought maybe now would be a good time to start Travel Tuesdays, where I can relive some of those happy memories I made on my travel adventures.
So first stop....

Hawaii (May, 2004)
Heaven. That's what I think of when I think of Hawaii. Just sitting on the beach, listening to the waves, with the sun on my face. And just in case I did decide to open my eyes, the most beautiful flowers were just waiting to entice me with their colors and scents. There are so many wonderful memories from this trip... seeing the volcano, hiking in the canyons of Kauai, swimming with the dolphins, snorkeling with rainbow colored fish, wine, Hawaiian music, fresh seafood... ahhhhh.

Grace has seen the pictures and already is talking about "someday when mommy and daddy take me to Hawaii". Yes Grace, someday.

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