
Pot Pie and One Year Olds

Tonight as I was making dinner and simultaneously trying to keep Iyla happy with flour and pots and pans, I glanced at my old blog post with the recipe I was making and realized I was in exactly this same spot again, almost 10 years later.  Cutting vegetables for chicken pot pie while also keeping a one year old happy.  Not an easy task.


But maybe a little easier this 4th time around with my helpers.  That once one year old who use to steal chips is now happy to let his little sisters ride around on him like a horse.

There is so much I have to catch up on on this blog.  This seems to be the pattern I have been stuck in here for the last few years.  Post, post, post, disappear.  Once I disappear it's always so hard to come back because I'm so overwhelmed with everything I "should" catch up on.  I do use this as a record of our days so I love when I've been able to keep it updated.  But I also use for myself, to pause and reflect on the daily moments.  Everything seems to move so fast these days, it fills my cup to stop momentarily and stand back to look at my life and these crazy growing Beings that I share it with.


So that's what I was thinking about tonight as I pulled this out of the oven.

Maybe this will inspire me to back post everything from the last few months.  Or maybe it will inspire me to post what happens tomorrow.  Or maybe this stand as my only 2019 post until August.