
The Results

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Well I definitely was not able to remain in a blissful state of mind all day.  Or even most of the day.  But (and this is a good but) as result of setting such an intention for myself, we were all able to have a really, really good rest of the day.  And although I wouldn't exactly call my emotional state blissful (aside from a few moments here or there) I was peaceful, almost all of the day, which is just as wonderful really.  And knowing where my attitude was at the begining of the day, I was pretty proud about being able to make such a leap.

I knew if I was going to turn my day around I needed to make a plan.  So that's just what I did.  I came up with a list of things that had to be done (thankfully there weren't many) and more importantly things that I/we enjoy doing.  Things that make us happy.  Then we did our best to incorporate them all into our day.  Here's what our day turned into...

~ Stove top oatmeal with maple syrup for our second breakfast
~ Nourishing garden soup for lunch (I finally used our beets... yum!!)
~ Warm baths
~ Folded laundry
~ Sewing time, everyone got to pick a project to make
~ Ryan made dinner
~ Early bedtimes
~ Knitting by the fire

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While I was not able to stay "blissful" or even peaceful when certain things came my way, I was also able to keep my patience much better as I kept my goal at the forefront of my mind (as opposed to the morning when I was not so successful).  I think being more intentional about my state of mind just really helped our whole day go much smoother. 

So all, in all, I think my little experiment was a success. 
And I'm trying it out again today.

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