
Sleep Paaaalease

I was all ready to sit down here today and declare that I am done having children. Really I was. Last night was the forth horrible night in a row with Jackson being sick, and now Grace as well. He woke up too many times to count, and twice we just ended up getting up. By morning time I was so exhausted I started getting angry. Not at him, just to myself. I clearly remember thinking this is it, I'm done. No more children. Apparently I'm not cut out for this. I told myself that I needed to write it down in my blog RIGHT AWAY- before the mothering amnesia set in and I forgot about how hard and frustrating this was.

Then morning came... and I was too tired to write. And I took naps while they napped, so there wasn't time to write then. And now it's the end of the day... and it's too late. In a mere 12 hours my tune has already changed. The small tender moments of the day have captivated my maternal brain once again. And I've somehow fooled myself into thinking it wasn't that bad.... A night without sleep here or there, big deal. So what if my daily exercise happens at night, while trying to put my son to sleep. It's called multitasking. Every parent gets puked on every now and then (by both kids in one night), that's what parenting is all about. No more kids, HA! I can handle it.

Okay off to bed... to go through the whole thing again I'm sure. I'm such a sucker.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I understand your frustration. Lack of sleep can really drive you bonkers and set the tone for the remainder of the day. Hope your little ones improve and you get more sleep. Glad you posted - I'm looking forward to reading more of your blog.

Love your thankful list on your sidebar.