
Michaelmas Festival

Friday morning when we pulled up to school there was an excited feeling in the air.  You could tell that all of the children knew it was a special day.  As Jackson, Nora and I were leaving the school we walked past a giant (and I do mean giant... this picture doesn't do it justice) pot of soup being brewed by some volunteer parents.  All of the classes had been busily chopping vegetables throughout the week for the big feast that was to take place after the Michaelmas play.



The first graders were asked to wear red for their part in the play (which inspired me to make a new skirt for Grace the night before).  When we arrived back at school about an hour before the play all of them were outside bustling about in their red bandannas working hard to get everything ready.  It was so neat to see their sense of pride and connection as they worked together for this big event.



All of the grades have a part in the play (except the kindergartners).  It was very beautiful.  Jackson especially loved the dragon.  And I especially loved being surrounded by such a wonderful community of people.  As all of the teachers, children and parents sang a blessing together before the feast (in a round I might add) I couldn't help but feel incredibly grateful to be a part of this school.

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