
Butterflies and Summer


{The "Red Spotted Purple" butterfly}

{Grace's beautiful hairdo to help attract butterflies}


{awww... the pool}


We are spending some time learning about butterflies as the school year is coming to an end.  It is something everyone is enjoying and I hope our interest continues through the summer.  In the very least I plan on picking it up again in the fall (when we tag Monarch's with our homeschool group).

One day Jackson came and told me of a butterfly that he thought might have actually been a fairy.  "It was blue and very special and I got a really good feeling when it was near".  Later we were able to identify it as the Red Spotted Purple.  Though I still think it is very special and it really might be a fairy.

While it is not official yet, the feel of summer is here.  Hot weather, the "pool"... we are spending most of our time outside.  A few days ago Nora found a toad in her playhouse and spent a good hour playing with it.  She talked about it nonstop as she was going to sleep.  Then first thing the next morning she went out to look for it again.

I am looking forward to summer break as much as they are I think.  As much as I love homeschooling it is so wonderful to have the freedom of long summer days.

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