
One More Day of Halloween

With two sick kiddos at home, and a horrible night sleep for most of us I decided that the best way to make today a good one was to have one more day of Halloween.  We were visited by the pumpkin fairy last night so of course the first thing on the agenda was seeing what she brought.  But we also read some Halloween books (for the last time this year), brought our pumpkins in and let them glow one last time, and made pumpkin pancakes for dinner.

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Do you know about the pumpkin fairy?  I didn't until last fall when, the day after Halloween, a little first grader at school told me all about it.  I made sure to get the whole scoop so we could invite her to come to our house this year.  So this year after trick-or-treating we sorted through our candy and picked out a big pile to give away.  Then we set it outside and asked her to come visit us.  In the middle of the night she came and took the candy (to give to children who didn't get to go trick-or-treating) and in it's place she left a note and some little gifts.  It's my favorite new Halloween tradition.

Now hopefully nobody will notice when tomorrow all the Halloween things have dissappeared.  I'm ready to move on to one of my other favorite holidays... 

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