
Halloween (in one big post)

This year the flu hit us the week before Halloween.  By the time it passed by each child, it was Friday.  So we were forced to squeeze all of our traditions into just two days.  Not ideal but we made it work.

Friday after school (we tried to get done as early as possible) we went to the thrift stores to find needed costume pieces.  Then we headed to Aamodt's apple farm to pick out our pumpkins.  Though first we had to visit the goats (it's tradition).

Then we had to stop in the barn for a few fall treats which we like to eat in the barn loft (also tradition).

Finally, we found our pumpkins.

That night we carved those pumpkins.

I wasn't really able to capture it in my photos but Nora was SO excited to carve her pumpkin.  That was all she talked about through dinner.


Everybody worked so hard carving.



The next morning they spent a good portion of their day running around in their costumes.  Grandma Sam and Grandpa Scott also came out for a visit to see what wild creatures their grandchildren had turned into.

By dinner time spirits were a little low, especially for this one who wasn't quite well yet.

But by the time it was time to trick or treat everyone was all cheery again.  Our friends came over for part of the night to trick or treat with us.  Nora was such a trooper and made it to several houses (the last few years she has just gone to our two neighbors).  The big kids ran around with their friends, rode the tractor (one of our neighbors takes it around as the kids are trick or treating), and came home with a big bag of candy.  After much sorting and trading each one put out a pile for the candy fairy.  Her gifts kept everyone happy most of the day on Sunday.  It ended up being a pretty good Halloween but I've decided the next year we won't get the flu first.


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