

{bird feeders we made with our homeschool group}

The snow was so beautiful today.  I am so surprised at myself by how much I am loving the snow this December.  There is something so peaceful about a fresh blanket of white coating our little farm.  I feel myself letting out a deep exhale at the thought of all of the work of summer being put to rest for awhile.

While today contained many moments of the stay-at-home-mama-with-three-small-children usuals ("mom, Grace wrecked my paper airplane", etc, etc), as I sit here tonight it is the moments of gratitude I am struck by.  Sitting in the cabin in the woods near the river (that our homeschooling co-op has been graciously allowed to occupy every Tuesday for FREE at Camp St. Croix) in front of a toasty fire- chatting with other moms and watching Jackson run outside to play with the other children (without his sister- that is new) and Grace coral a group of friends into playing a game she brought- my cup is overflowing.

Later in the evening while Ryan took Grace to dance and my mom was inside with Nora, Jackson and I got to enjoy a "night" walk.  In the field next door we came upon four deer prancing around (it was hard to see in the dark but maybe two bucks trying to impress some does?).  With the huge fluffy flakes of snow falling from the sky the scene was breathtaking.

My day ended in my favorite spot in front of the fireplace with a new magazine in hand and my dreaming notebook.

Yes these are the moments I will take with me to bed tonight.

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