
Thanksgiving Notes


This was hands down one of the most laid back, enjoyably delicious Thanksgivings I have ever experienced. I don't have much for notes this year other then a few things about the turkey.  It was our best yet so I need to be able to replicate it.

~ We put the (almost 24 lb) Turkey in at 9:00am at (350) and it was done a little after 1:00 this year.  I don't know why it cooked so quickly but I do know Ryan pulled it out the exact moment it reached 165.

~ Make sure to have enough salt on hand for the brine.   I always forget that I'm quadrupling the recipe.  Thankfully this year I had just enough and I'm pretty sure salt is the key ingredient in the brine

~ Turkey soup on day four of Thanksgiving weekend = awesome.  All I used this year was the turkey carcass to make a broth and for meat, and then carrots, spinach, egg noodles and salt.  Delicious.

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