
Sap and Sitting


We have entered into what I feel is my least favorite season, early spring.  Or random soggy glove in the dirty snow season.  Either one.  The beautiful snow frosted trees are gone, as are the pure white drifts of sparkles.  Everything is melting and browning and muddy.  BUT the one silver lining of this season is tapping.  Today Nora and I started washing out all the sap buckets.  We are hoping to get them out tomorrow.  It was 45 here today so we already have missed some sap.


In other news this little one is sitting up now.  This picture is deceiving though.  She looks stable, and for a bit she is, until she isn't.  Shortly after I took these pictures she toppled over (thankfully it kind of happens in slow motion) and landed before I could catch her.  She wasn't happy with me.


I am enjoying these days so very much and trying so hard not to take them for granted.  Life is good right now.  There are many times in my life that I have wondered what if this is the best part of my life?  My dad told me when I was a kid that being a kid was the best part of life.  When I graduated high school I remember wondering if that was the best part of my life?  Certainly I wonder it now.   I guess best to assume it is and that way I can do a better job of staying present.


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