~ Today my three monkeys rediscovered a favorite tree in our woods. I have a feeling this is going to become a new special place for them.
~ Jackson has also rediscovered the camouflage poncho that Grace made him for Christmas. He is in love with how well it hides him (at first I did't even notice him in the picture).
~ Grace was cast in this year's play "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" as one of the dwarfs named Jasper (it's the Grimm's version). She has been busy practicing her lines and rehearsing.
~ To Ryan's delight Jackson has fell completely in love with ice fishing and the two of them have spent quite a bit of time out at the fish house over the last month.
~ We had a real run in with sickness for the last month. I was the last one to get sick with sinus infection that took forever to go away. I think we are finally all better.
~ Grace and I have started fiddle lessons. I am in love but also it is really hard. So far the enjoyment is outweighing the hard part though so I hope that continues.
~ We recently read the Birchbark House and have now moved on to the second book in the series the Game of Silence. Grace says these are the best books she has ever read.
~ I have completely ran out of all motivation for cooking and I am finding myself with zero desire to make dinner (hot dogs anyone??). I have pulled out all of my cookbooks in hopes of inspiring something in myself and have yet to find anything that excites me. It's going to be a long couple months if I can't figure anything out (I'm assuming my love of being in the kitchen will return once garden season has started. It has too.) .
~ We have no obligations or plans for Saturday and I am really looking forward to just being home, and the first day in a long time that I haven't had to drive anyone anywhere.