
The Unruly Garden

The garden has become one giant jungle of tangled greenery. The paths have been covered in plump watermelons and pumpkins, both of whom have refused to stay in their designated areas. The squash are climbing up the bean poles and into the onion bed.

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But it is a lovely mess to have... assuming they can all live peacefully amongst each other.

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Today I picked a pile of green beans that were ready (dinner tomorrow night). And we have been eating sliced cumbers everyday this week.

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The edamame is almost ready.

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The bees have been busy, busy, busy. Perhaps that is the reason for all the unruliness.

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The corn is way over my head.  Not too much longer (fingers are crossed that we can keep it from the deer).

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I tilled and planted another bed of peas before we left for vacation and today I added a fall round of lettuce, carrots and broccoli to the garden.

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The chickens (after already eating all of the oats, kale and collard greens earlier in the summer) have now also tried to claim the tomatoes as their own. Oats, kale and collard greens I can live without, tomatoes I cannot. Time to build a fence (or have a big huge chicken dinner).

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