
Magnolias and Random Thoughts


The magnolia tree is finally in bloom.  Looking back over my blog this is the latest date I have record of it blooming.  I think the earliest is March 20th.  It feels so good to have everything come back to life again.  And all the flowering and green.  As much as I hate early spring, I love late spring.


Jackson went up north with Ryan to sucker spear and Grace of course is at school.  So this morning when Nora woke up she said, "I have our whole day planned!"  And she did.


We managed to do everything on her list too.  Read books in bed, do some art, garden, and finally- have lunch and then ice cream bars on the deck.  We even managed to sneak in a trip to the thrift store for some new spring clothes.  It was a special day.


And now we're headed off to pick up Grace and go out to dinner.  We will then head to my parent's house where the girls will have a day with their friends tomorrow and I will have a day to myself.  I need it too.  Life seems to be going so fast these days.


Especially with Iyla.  She is at the stage where it is really starting to get hard to do anything else.  The house isn't as clean (not that it was ever that clean) and dinner preparation is almost impossible.


She is almost crawling and I want her to do it so bad (even though I don't want her to).  It is just so exciting for her.  Everything is so exciting for her.  I love watching her watch the world.  It is such a good reminder for me.  It's all so amazing if we really stop to take it all in.


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