
Mother's Day




I loved my Mother's Day so, so much.  When I was reading the cards they gave me this morning I said, "This is the BEST Mother's Day I've ever had!" and Jackson said, "Don't you say that every year?"  I might.  But this one really was.  A few highlights from the weekend...

~ We took my mom out to dinner on Thursday to Lake Elmo Inn and Katie came too!  It was so fun to celebrate with them both!

~ Friday I took a long bath

~Friday and Saturday Ryan and I watched comedians and SNL (Amy Schumer) and I laughed until I cried.

~ Saturday morning Ryan solo parented for a few hours so I could paint!

~ Saturday afternoon I got my hair colored and the later Sam, Scott and Aleta came over to grill.

~ Today.  Oh today.  I woke up and was promptly sent back to bed where I was delivered a two course breakfast.  This was followed by homemade cards and flowers.  (Later I found a sheet of paper with a list of all the Mother's Day things they were going to do for breakfast and then their names by each thing- toast: Nora, scrambled eggs: Jackson, etc, so sweet).

~ I gardened.

~ Ryan worked on the bookshelves he's building us.  They are beautiful and finished!  They just need a coat of paint.

~ Dinner on the porch.

Mostly what was so great though was how kind they all were to each other and me.  I could tell they were trying hard not to fight with each other and that is just the sweetest gesture.  My cup is full.

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