Today was a really good day. Not only was I incredibly productive, which doesn't happen a lot these days, but everyone was in pretty good spirits too.
By noon, I had baked two pumpkins and a double batch of pumpkin muffins, made granola and a pot of cream of broccoli soup, and I even managed to give everyone a bath.
By dinner time I had vacuumed the house, cleaned our bedrooms, folded three loads of laundry, picked some more potatoes, peas, and onions and cleared another garden.
And somewhere in there we read books and ran around in the field (where I got to play with my new camera lens a little... love it). What a beautiful autumn day it was.
But the highlight for me might have been the fact that these two played so well together all afternoon. Never mind the fighting this morning... somehow this afternoon they managed to have four whole hours of playing together without so much as a squabble. No wonder I got so much done actually.
Anyway, definitely a noteworthy day.
And tomorrow a girls night away for me!
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