Over the past week we have been harvesting and harvesting. The potatoes are never ending. I have committed myself to trying to dig up at least a small pile each day. Slowly I am making progress. I pulled the rest of our tomatoes off today as I think it's suppose to get below freezing on of these nights. They are all still green so I tucked them away in hopes they'll ripen soon. The onions are still out there, though I'll grab those this week sometime. Then all that will be left is our secondsies... second crop of peas (loving those), lettuce, and carrots (which won't be ready for awhile yet). I am torn between being slightly glad that the never ending cooking, baking, canning, freezing frenzy will be over, but also sad knowing how much I'm going to miss it all for the next several months. Hopefully, the jars in the cupboard and freezer will help get me through.
Some notes for next year...
~ The beans we grew this year were the best. I cannot for the life of me remember (or track down) what kind they were. I think they were "Trail of Tears" but I'm not sure. I did save the seeds so hopefully that works.
~ Peas... I need to look back on when we planted peas last spring and move it up a week or more. They were ready right about the same time we went on vacation. Otherwise one garden full was a great amount. Next year I also have to faster at freezing them though, we lost a big batch the first go around.
~ Corn... pay closer attention next year. We were a little late in harvesting them.
~ Tomatoes... grow more
~ Edemame... yes
~ Oats... don't let the chickens eat them
~ Potatoes... we really grew a lot of these (one full large garden and two triangle ones) but I think it will end up being a good amount. Should get us through the winter.
~ White beans... don't bother.
~ Beats, kale, collards... a few was fine.
~ Cucumbers... don't do it.
~ Pumpkins... one garden full is still good.
~ Onions... maybe more next year. They are easy to grow and good keepers.
~ Watermelon... Have to look up what kind it was but must repeat (sugar baby I think). They were delicious.
~ Strawberries... more, more. I'm going to try and transplant some yet this fall.
~ Butternut squash... well I love it even if I can't get my kids to eat it.
~ Broccoli... yum. Next year I want to try harder to grow a second crop. I think I planted to late this year.
~ Zucchini... one seed really is just perfect.
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