I came home this evening to an empty house. This doesn't happen much and usually I would be thrilled to have a little time to myself. But I was in a mood. The messy kitchen that I didn't have time to clean up before I left this morning didn't help matters (nor did the messy living room). I tried my secret weapon but I accidentally over-peppermint-barked which gave me a tummy ache (and something else to complain about).
Then I started cleaning.
This helped some. But what really helped was when I decided to wash these jars. I'm not sure what it was... maybe the way the jar softely chimes when my ring clings the side of it. Or maybe the warm soapy water (in Grace's class all the kids wash their own dishes everyday- those teachers know the magic of washing a dish). Or perhaps the happiness it brought me to think of all the food I've made and helped feed my family with that was temporarily stored in each of those jars (some of them I had to scrub multiple labels off of). Or it could have been the anticipation of the up coming project I'm going to use them for. In any case I got done with those dishes and felt fantastic.
Really, I did.
I'm not sure, it may have been a one time thing. But in any case, I'll take it.
And now off to use them.
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