
Weekend Highlights... and Lowlights (and some random thoughts)


~ This weekend was the annual Holiday Fair at Grace's school which was very fun as always

~ I also got to have a whole hour to myself on Friday at the parent's night of the Holiday Fair to do a little Christmas shopping

~ Nora is on night six of being up in the night with another new tooth.  I am beyond tired.

~ The Thanksgiving planning has begun!  My favorite holiday (well probably tied with Christmas I guess)

~ Which also means the annual picture/art/shelf/andotherrandomthings hanging was today.  I don't know why this happens but for some reason it seems Ryan and I find ourselves hanging things a few days before Thanksgiving every year.  I would say it's because we're having people over but some of these things have been waiting for their moment since last winter.

~ As a couple we have successfully navigated our way through births, financial hardships, and serious health issues, but if we had to hang things together for more then just one day a year I'm not sure we would make it.

I got the mud room organized today.  It's been in need of a clean out for about a year too.  Every time I walk by it is a happy surprise to actually be able to see the bench again (as opposed to the large stack of coats and sweaters).

~ And speaking of being up all night, there's Nora now... off to bed I go


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