Thanksgiving Notes
This was hands down one of the most laid back, enjoyably delicious Thanksgivings I have ever experienced. I don't have much for notes this year other then a few things about the turkey. It was our best yet so I need to be able to replicate it.
~ We put the (almost 24 lb) Turkey in at 9:00am at (350) and it was done a little after 1:00 this year. I don't know why it cooked so quickly but I do know Ryan pulled it out the exact moment it reached 165.
~ Make sure to have enough salt on hand for the brine. I always forget that I'm quadrupling the recipe. Thankfully this year I had just enough and I'm pretty sure salt is the key ingredient in the brine
~ Turkey soup on day four of Thanksgiving weekend = awesome. All I used this year was the turkey carcass to make a broth and for meat, and then carrots, spinach, egg noodles and salt. Delicious.
Getting Ready
The turkey is brinning
The cornbread is made
The house is clean
This Thanksgiving it seems that while some things are harder this time around (like having three kids instead of two to care for while also getting ready) some things are getting easier. Preparing just felt smoother this year... more familiar. Being that this is our fifth time hosting I think it is starting to come a bit more naturally. And for all the things I don't remember, this blog certainly helps (being able to look back and see what day I make the brine for example... so I don't do what I did the first year and make the brine the night I want to use it forgetting that it needs to cool). That being said I still had a moment today where I looked around at all that needed to be done and panicked. Thankfully Ryan suggested I stop everything and go outside for a moment to just enjoy the day (and what a beautiful day it was). That was all I needed to get back on track.
Looking forward to our day tomorrow...
Weekend Highlights... and Lowlights (and some random thoughts)
~ This weekend was the annual Holiday Fair at Grace's school which was very fun as always
~ I also got to have a whole hour to myself on Friday at the parent's night of the Holiday Fair to do a little Christmas shopping
~ Nora is on night six of being up in the night with another new tooth. I am beyond tired.
~ The Thanksgiving planning has begun! My favorite holiday (well probably tied with Christmas I guess)
~ Which also means the annual picture/art/shelf/andotherrandomthings hanging was today. I don't know why this happens but for some reason it seems Ryan and I find ourselves hanging things a few days before Thanksgiving every year. I would say it's because we're having people over but some of these things have been waiting for their moment since last winter.
~ As a couple we have successfully navigated our way through births, financial hardships, and serious health issues, but if we had to hang things together for more then just one day a year I'm not sure we would make it.
I got the mud room organized today. It's been in need of a clean out for about a year too. Every time I walk by it is a happy surprise to actually be able to see the bench again (as opposed to the large stack of coats and sweaters).
~ And speaking of being up all night, there's Nora now... off to bed I go
Family Time
Fairy Clues
Recently we have been inspired by this book to be on the look out for fairies. While we have not seen one yet we have been finding some very interesting clues into the fairy world. A few days ago Grace and Jackson even found what looked to be a fairy house. It has certainly been making for a lot of happy play time outside.
Playing at Home
This Weekend
Ryan took Grace and Jackson up North with him this weekend to have some fun at Grandpa Glenn's cabin and in hopes of getting a deer. So Nora and I were on our own.
Some of our weekend highlights...
~ Having dinner with my mom on Friday and having her overnight. And all her help (my oven is clean!)
~ Going shopping alone
~ All my great finds at the Goodwill
~ Getting to have dinner and spend time with Kirsten and my sis on Saturday and sleeping over at her house
~ The delicious chili she made
~ Watching our girls play (try and eat each other)
~ Getting my hair cut and highlighted this afternoon
~ Coming home and being all together again
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