The Bad... ~ Our tomatoes don't look very good at all this year and I have no one to blame but myself. They were never staked properly when I got them and then when I did do it I think it was kind of too late. Thankfully I am still getting some. I have gotten enough so far to make both pasta sauce and tomato soup so I'm happy about that. ~ We have had multiple pest problems this year which is kind of new for us. We have been picking potato bugs (now those are some ugly bugs) off our potato plants all summer. The Japanese Beetles have also been horrible. Thankfully our chickens LOVE all bugs.
The Good... ~ Aside from the tomatoes and potatoes everything else is doing pretty good. Our watermelons and Minnesota midget melons are getting bigger everyday. Our beets look great. The broccoli is beautiful (12 plants this year, I think I'll do that again). Squash and pumpkins- good. The kale- awesome (never stops). The onions- great. Despite being attacked by the Japanese beetles I think the edemame is going to make it. Corn- so far so good. But maybe what I am most proud of in the garden this year is our beans. They are our first attempt at seed saving... and it worked! And these beans were the best last year.
Still to come... ~ We did plant another round of lettuce (which should be popping up any day now), carrots, and kale.
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