~ There are moments when everything is in harmony... when Jackson is vacuuming the floor for me (and doing a spectacular job)... or when Grace is grabbing me another glass of water (I had forgotten about that water/nursing thing)... or when I'm just holding sweet little Nora... and I can't think of a time when I've been happier. My life just feels so full, in a very good way.
~ There are other moments... when Jackson is having a complete melt down because he was asked to pick up the four things he is done playing with... or when Grace is telling me or Ryan we are "mean" for one reason or another... or when all three of them seem to need something at the exact same time... when life feels very intense. And a tad bit overwhelming.
~ Thankfully there are more of the first moments then the second.
~ Sometimes I look around and the house is semi-clean, the laundry is folded, and people have been fed... and I think wow, I've got this.
~ Then I remember I'm still in the "honeymoon" stage of babyhood. She doesn't really do anything except sleep. This is the easy part.
~ Except at night from say three to four. Not a lot of sleep happening then.
~ But that's okay, I knew what I was signing up for. To be fair, I might even be getting more sleep then I did when I was pregnant.
~ Speaking of being pregnant, I sure don't miss it. That was definitely my hardest pregnancy.
~ It is strange to think I should still be pregnant (I wasn't due for two more days).
~ But back to how it's going... overall I'd say pretty good.
~ Did I mention I'm in love...
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