
A Day of Home

Gosh it was a busy week... 
~ Last weekend Ryan was away hunting
~ And got a deer (yeah)
~ My mom came and stayed with us while he was gone which was fun
~ I took a class to learn how to do this to my kitchen (and someday every wall in our house)
~ I painted my bathroom (love it)
~ Grace and Jackson are still fighting their colds
~ I had a three hour doctors appointment (which ended with good news, no gestational diabetes)
~ We had friends and family for lunch one day
~ We've been getting up early (will we ever get adjusted to daylight savings time)
~ And so some of us have been a wee bit crabby
~ (Just writing all that was exhausting...)

So today, we needed a home day.  Time to relax and catch up on all the things that normally fill our days.


I made granola.  And soup.


We had a tea party.


There was some knitting.


And chicken time.


I tended the garden (one last bag of potatoes). 
And caught up on laundry. 
Along with some cleaning and a host of other things. 

It is amazing how a day of home can restore my sense of balance.  I now have a clean house (and clean kids), and leftover soup for tomorrows lunch.  I couldn't feel more ready to start the weekend.

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