
Random Thoughts

Snowy 006

~ I don't think I'll ever get tired of those big fat fluffy flakes that are falling outside right now, especially on days like today when I don't have to go anywhere.

~ And speaking of falling, I fell down the basement stairs today into a cement wall and thought for sure I broke something. Amazingly, aside from a few scrapes and bruises, I think I'm okay.

~ It would be good if all the treats would finally disappear from my house. Although I've been eating and eating them, they seem to be endless.

~ Also I cannot make anymore whip-cream (for at least a few months).

~ I finally finished all the blog posts I started over the last few days which felt good.

~ I also caught up on all the bills today. Also feels good.

~ Besides Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, Grace and Jackson have been wearing their pajamas for almost two weeks straight.

~ It is going to be hard to get them back into the habit of clothes come Wednesday.

~ They have been having so much fun playing together today. It has been nice.

~ We just used up the last of the frozen black raspberries and the last jar of black raspberry jam.

~ I am more motivated then ever to pick them this summer.

~ I ordered 6 heirloom organic apples trees this last weekend.

~ I'm pretty excited about that.

~ And I'm in the process of ordering bees.

~ Also ecstatic about that.

~ I made the simplest dinner tonight- brown rice with butter, sliced almonds and dried currants with a side of beans and lentils. It was so easy and delicious (not to mention healthy) and Grace and Jackson loved it.

~ Going to try and incorporate more meals with rice into our dinners.

~ I am loving 2011 so far... all three days of it.

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