1. The first one is that we made homemade bread yesterday with our bread maker. It was my great aunt's given to me by her recently has she is no longer is able to use it. Though I would love to be someone who makes homemade bread with my hands, I'm not really seeing that in my near future (though hopefully in the not-so-distant future). But, the bread maker is the next best thing- and so easy. We made some delicious whole wheat bread and pretty much finished the whole loaf today. This morning (this is where today's highlight comes in) I made french toast with it and it was delicious. Everyone loved it.
2.There was maybe a half hour of time where Jackson was asleep and Grace was done with her quiet time and her and I sat and sewed together. I was working on her quilt (still) and she was working on a quilt for one of her babies. I love that she loves to sew with me. I know it might not last, but for now, I love it. And I love the way she puts the "pump" up on the chair like that to make it work for her.
3.I am really loving our garden harvest that is still going strong. The first picture is of a Minnesota Midget Mellon. These are just like cantaloupe but only about the size of an orange. They are so good but we only got five. I have to plant more of them next year- and not in the same bed as the pumpkins. And the tomatoes are really starting to come in. I need to find some good recipes so I can start making some sauce. But, they are also quite tasty in a burnt grilled cheese sandwich...which I had for dinner tonight.
Yes, thank goodness tomorrow is a new day.
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