


A few weeks ago we started counting all the words Iyla says.  Once we reached over 125 we stopped trying to keep track.  She honestly says at least one new word a day.  But what's more amazing is that she is remembering what the word means.  For example, last week Ryan took Iyla to a hunting store.  There was a stuffed deer on the wall and he pointed it out and said "deer".  Yesterday when we took the box of Christmas stuff out we pulled out a figure of a reindeer and she said "deer".  All of our kids seemed to start talking early but this is incredible.


She has also started saying short sentences such as "Daddy coming" or "Mommy painting" or "change it" referring to her diaper (which she said today after she pooped and said "poop").


In other Iyla news she is very busy.  Very, very busy.  She gets into everything now.  Climbs furniture or tables. LOVES the pen drawer (which I can't child proof because it is a wooden antique desk).  And we just got the tree up this weekend and she really enjoys taking all the ornaments off the tree.


I started night weaning her last night.  It was pretty rough.  I'm hoping tonight is a little better.  With the other three (I think) by the third night they would start sleeping though the night.  This is a little earlier than I night weaned everyone else but I feel like I couldn't wait any longer to have a good night sleep.  Plus I know from experience that they get over it pretty quick and I'm still not (day) weaning so nothing too traumatic (though it always feels that way the first night).


What else can say about her?  This has kind of turned into my baby book for everyone so I want to record the little things.  Oh, she loves books.  Thank goodness she loves books.  I don't know what we would do with a non-book lover.  If I ask if she wants me to read her a book she runs to "her" shelf and grabs one of her favorites.

Okay one more thing is two of my favorite things she says right now are "cottage cheese" and "colored pencils" which just sound so cute coming out of such a tiny person.  Maybe tomorrow I will add all the rest of words she says down below here.  Just so I have them.

















It was a beautiful day as always.  For the most part the pictures speak for themselves.

Thanksgiving Notes
~ I am writing this post 3 weeks after Thanksgiving so I hope I remember everything
~ Maybe the first note should be don't wait 3 weeks to write your notes
~ I think the most important note is make 5x the brine.
~ For the brine save piles of time by buying jars of already minced garlic.  2 jars was the perfect amount.
~ 1 pan of Jackson's cornbread is enough (for leftovers two) but 2 would make a really plentiful amount of leftovers.
~ Last year we didn't have salad and I missed it.  This year, I had a salad and forgot to put it out.  REMEMBER salad.
~ Also cranberries.  Katie made the most delicious cranberries and we forgot to put them out.
~ Iron table cloth and napkins ahead of time (to make mom happy).
~ I don't really need to make two pumpkin pies anymore.  Most people eat the kids' desserts so I'm left with a lot of left over pie.
~ If there was anyway to get everything done before Thanksgiving morning I think I would enjoy sitting down and watching the parade with everyone.  I though I was close this year but I had a few last minute things to clean and still had to shower.  And make my pie.  Maybe next year?


Right Now


I was just reading over the last few years of my Thanksgiving posts and feeling so nostalgic.  But then also realizing that wait, I am here right now in another beautiful moment in time.  That feeling inspired me to come here and write down a few things about our current days.

{Nora building a fairy house and Iyla doing whatever Nora does}

This was taken on November 1st, one of the last beautiful days we've had.  It's been so cold this winter already.  I was glad we made the effort to spend a little time outside on this day.  I remember having a lot to do on this day (as usual) but being summoned out by one of these two.  Thank goodness for them leading me on that.


I've been taking more tiny videos like this one.  I love them so much.  Just little snippets of life.

{These two.  The love is strong.}


We had such a great field trip at the new natural history museum.  I could have stayed for hours.  Especially with a sketch pad and pencils.


It was so child friendly too.  I think we all really enjoyed it.

{A "photo shoot" by Grace}


This little remodel project is almost finished.  I love seeing how it draws them in with a book.  That was exactly what I'd hoped for.

I keep making promises to myself that I will come here more.  I'm going to try again.  I love this space so much and I miss it.