I have been doing my best to keep up with what is coming out of our garden... but I am starting to fall behind. There is just so much out there (despite the weeds). This afternoon I made a giant batch of soup with our tomatoes- some for dinner tonight and some for the freezer. Then I froze two more gallon freezer bags full of tomatoes for another day when I have more time. I don't know how many melons I cut up today and fed to my children- maybe 10. I had to feed a few over ripe ones to the chickens too. And what am I going to do with all of those cucumbers? I have caned 21 jars of pickles this year, I think we are all stocked up in that department. I did find a really, really good salad to make with them today. Perhaps I can eat that everyday for the next month. Nora has started this new thing where when she is done with her food she simply throws the whole plate or bowl off the table. Today that equated to three broken dishes and a good chunk of my time spent picking fresh garden produce off the floor (I am apparently a slow learner).
Thankfully tonight at dinner- with all of this homemade, homegrown goodness in front of me- I was reminded of the point of all this cooking/canning madness (or at least one of them anyway) and was inspired to keep at it again tomorrow.