I took this picture the night I found out I was pregnant. I thought it was an amazingly wonderful reflection of how I was feeling at that moment. Full. Glowing. Exuberant.
Fast forward through the next couple months and the picture hasn't quite been as pretty. The first trimester has always been a little difficult for me but never to this extent. Perhaps it's because this time around I'm also caring for two little ones, a flock of chickens, a hive of bees, and one cat. Or maybe this pregnancy is just different. In any case the last several weeks have had their ups and downs.
But, over the last few days I can feel something starting to shift. It might have been that I decided to start meditating again. Or that my hormones are beginning to regulate themselves. Or... who knows. But what I do is that the migraines are gone. The nausea is almost gone. And most importantly, my mood is improving.
And today. Today was the best. Today I had my first doctor's appointment.
I heard the heartbeat.
And once again I'm over the moon.