

Goodday 001

was a good day. A Great day. Full of the most wonderful moments... time to watch the ferns uncurl. Time for an unplanned catnap while reading a book. Time to water and smell the flowers.

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This morning, we had the delightful surprise of running into some good friends at the co-op who just moved to the area. Then later we stopped to see Ryan working (he is working very close to home this week) and brought with some scones and juice to share.

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In the afternoon I had time to work in the gardens... and my children played together in the sandbox while I worked... for a long time. The weather was absolutely beautiful. Sunny and 70.

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Ryan came home from work early. I made taco salad for dinner, a family favorite. After dinner, before going outside with the rest of the fam to cut fresh flowers for tomorrow, I enjoyed this great little pocket of time to clean up from the day.

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In hopes of good day part two, I set the table for tomorrow's breakfast. Always a great way to wake up.


Experiment 3: Day 7

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{Experiment 3: Spend a little time (at least 15 to 30 minutes) a day playing with my children. During this time I have to be authentically enjoying myself, and I have to be fully present (not letting my mind wonder to what's next, etc.). I will do this experiment for 7 days and record my observations here on my blog.}

Today we went to one of our favorite little parks on the river. It was such a beautiful day, perfect for our first spring trip to the beach (though it was not as warm as it probably looks in the pictures). But we had a lot of fun making apple pie in the sand and running around barefoot.

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(These two stinkers even dipped their toes in the water.)

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This experiment was amazing. While there are of course several moments throughout the day where I am able to be truly present for my children (mainly mealtime, story time, and hopefully our conversations), there is something extraordinary about being present while playing with my children. It is such a positive experience for all involved- it fills our cups completely. And as with my previous experiments, the experience and feelings linger long after we are done playing.

I was really surprised to realize how hard this was to fit in my day. Harder then I would have ever thought. I really have to make an effort... but I now know it is so worth it. Not to mention, although I hope when they grow up their hearts are full of some of those nurturing "mom" memories, I also want them to have some memories of just plan silliness with their mama.

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Another successful experiment and valuable lesson learned. Get in there and play.

Our Flowering Trees (Part 1)

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American Plum

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American Plum

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Crab Apple

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Crab Apple

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Crab Apple

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Red Bud

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Red Bud

Our New Room In (In The Making)

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Our bedroom has been patiently waiting it's turn for some love and attention. At this moment it is pretty neglected as far as decorating goes. But this week I was finally inspired... by this bedroom from Pottery Barn. I love the colors of the bedspread against that grey/green wall.

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Since Pottery Barn is not in our budget (and it's so much more fun to go homemade anyway), I'm beginning with the quilt.

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Eight squares cut, eight billion more to go.

Reading Time

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Though it doesn't happen everyday, when it does happen, the precious hour right after Jackson's nap is one of my favorite times of day. Both he and Grace grab a huge stack of books and we snuggle in her bed, one babe under each arm, and read... and read.


A Day Just For Me

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Ryan and I made a trade this weekend. He spent Saturday afternoon and night with his friends, while I went to my parent's with the kids. Then today he took the kids to his mom's which left me with an entire day to myself. It's quite thrilling having all this time to play.

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So far I've done some sewing... and painting... and camera playing...

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And I am thoroughly enjoying every minute.


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Oh how I love the season of fresh flowers. This weekend I filled almost every room in our house with a vase.



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Carrots, lettuce, and peas today.

Beautiful Blooms

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Experiment 3: Day 6

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{Experiment 3: Spend a little time (at least 15 to 30 minutes) a day playing with my children. During this time I have to be authentically enjoying myself, and I have to be fully present (not letting my mind wonder to what's next, etc.). I will do this experiment for 7 days and record my observations here on my blog.}

Tonight after Ryan got home from work we packed a dinner and went down to Teddy Bear Park for a picnic and some playground time. It was such a fun evening. Besides the fact that Teddy Bear Park is just simply beautiful, it's also such an imaginative place for kids to play. The highlight probably for both of them though was all the slides... so many sizes and varieties. Definitely a fun midweek adventure.

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Our Herb Garden...

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in the making.


Experiment 3: Day 5

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{Experiment 3: Spend a little time (at least 15 to 30 minutes) a day playing with my children. During this time I have to be authentically enjoying myself, and I have to be fully present (not letting my mind wonder to what's next, etc.). I will do this experiment for 7 days and record my observations here on my blog.}

This guy doesn't have quite the "play" attention span his sister does yet. His play is more in the curiosity phase. He reserves his long term attention for the more nurturing needs of a one year old, like nursing, reading, or just snuggling. You have to stay on your toes to play with a one year old... and you can't get too comfortable, before you know it you'll be on to something else. But none the less, today Jackson and I had our own mini play date. Delightful.


Mowing the Lawn...

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is a three person job.

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Weekend Make-Up

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We had a lot of weekend to fit into one day today. Yesterday all four of us were sick so we spent the entire (beautiful) Saturday inside... asleep mostly. But not today. Everyone was feeling better and it was another beautiful day. So today we...
spent almost the entire day outside
did some painting (see previous post)
and some yard work (see following post)
ate some ice cream (see above)
and had dinner outside

not bad for one day.

Experiment 3: Day 4

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{Experiment 3: Spend a little time (at least 15 to 30 minutes) a day playing with my children. During this time I have to be authentically enjoying myself, and I have to be fully present (not letting my mind wonder to what's next, etc.). I will do this experiment for 7 days and record my observations here on my blog.}

One of the most natural ways for me to play with my children is through art. It's so easy for me to stay present when I am immersed in some form of art, and there is nothing better then doing it along side someone I love. Grace and I have gotten into the habit of painting during Jackson's nap time (when we want to work on bigger projects we like to take advantage of his nap time, but he does get in his fair share of art too). It is so enjoyable for me to watch her joy as we set up the paints... pick out our colors... and then finally dip our brushes into the paint and begin to create. This is her masterpiece that she has been working on for a week or so. It is so beautiful I think.

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~Times I was puked on: 3 (with lots of other close calls)
~Loads of laundry: 5
~Times we went outside and tried to enjoy the beautiful day (even if just for a few minutes): 6
~Number of times I called Ryan to see when he would be home: 3
~Times I changed the sheets: 2
~Number of hours I spent putting children to sleep: almost 3
~Times I felt for grateful for the fact that I am still nursing Jackson: I'm not really sure on this one but I'll say a good dozen
~Number of walks we went on: 1
~Number of times Jackson threw up on the walk: 0 (One of the more triumphant moments of the day)

Time for me to take a shower now... or maybe a bath, that sounds like just what I need.


Experiment 3: Day 3

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{Experiment 3: Spend a little time (at least 15 to 30 minutes) a day playing with my children. During this time I have to be authentically enjoying myself, and I have to be fully present (not letting my mind wonder to what's next, etc.). I will do this experiment for 7 days and record my observations here on my blog.}

A few things I have learned about this experiment. First of all, it is hard for me to make time for this- which is both eye-opening and concerning to me. (Life has been really busy over the past week with school/internship/etc. but still, I only need 15 minutes.) Second of all, when I can/do make the time, the happiness that results is like no other. Tonight Grace and I played paper dolls together. We played for nearly an hour and I seriously think this playing fulfilled her in a way that nothing else does. And surprisingly, because I could see how happy it made her, I also walked away from our play date incredibly fulfilled. Amazing how something so easy and simple can have such an impact.

Our Magnolia Tree...

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is in bloom. So beautiful.

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Experiment 3: Day 2

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{Experiment 3: Spend a little time (at least 15 to 30 minutes) a day playing with my children. During this time I have to be authentically enjoying myself, and I have to be fully present (not letting my mind wonder to what's next, etc.). I will do this experiment for 7 days and record my observations here on my blog.}

I forgot how fun it is to swing when you really put your heart in it...

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