
Seven Years

A few weeks ago we were on the phone when suddenly Ryan interrupted our conversation, "Oh our song is on". "What song?" I asked (we have a song?) I quickly turned the radio to the station he was listening to and this song was playing. "Ryan, this is the nicest song ever." I said fighting back a tear. "Well it makes me think of us." He replied, ever so sweetly.

Today is our seven year anniversary. It seems as though we have been through quite a lot for a mere seven years (as Ryan said in his toast this weekend, "miscarriage, moving, money issues, business start ups, foreclosure, health issues... I think we've proved we can make it"). If there is one thing I can say about our relationship it is that we are incredibly resilient. Each time we go through one of life's challenges we always seem to come out stronger on the other side. And all the more reason I feel so lucky to still be sharing little moments like the one above. Lucky indeed.

This weekend we had a very special celebration, made possible by our families. Our parent's watched the kids, while my sister put together this amazing four course meal for us to feast on. To start the day we went into Stillwater for lunch and then a walk by the river. After an ice cream cone we came home and enjoyed the rest of our day and dinner here. It was wonderful. So wonderful. Happy Anniversary.



Today was our last day of class. It is possible that I am mourning it more then Grace is. Don't get me wrong, she loved going to class. But I feel like I benefited from it just as much. Somehow, this school, and the wonderful women who runs the program, has mastered the art of catering to all of the senses. Upon entering the classroom you couldn't help but be enticed by the soft luminous colors surrounding you, or the handmade toys, and fresh flowers. Though it was a room full of children, it was never as loud as one would expect. Instead you would often be met with the sounds of quiet parent chatter, children playing happily, or our teacher singing a song. And inevitably there would be a lingering scent of something delicious cooking on the stove. As an added bonus, the group came to be a place (for me anyway) where for the first time, I was surrounded by a group of like minded mothers. And I (for once) was not the odd one (who was still nursing, whose children don't watch TV, or who sleeps with her children, etc, etc). It became a place I could go and feel support and validation in what I was doing. Where I could get opinions/ideas from other parents who were on the same page as me. Did I mention I will miss the class?


Some Moments From Our Day

What a beautiful day. We spent almost the entire day outside. Grace and I planted some sunflowers by the barn, we all went for a walk (note the new stroller for two), and I finished building the strawberry garden while the two of them played around me. Another great day of being stranded.



Life has been pretty uneventful around here for the past few days, which has been quite nice. My car is in the shop until Friday so we are stranded at home. Again, I don't mind. I kind of even like it. Forced to not have to go anywhere all day means no "getting ready", or going potty one last time, packing a diaper bag, or buckling kids in car seats. It means there are a lot of things I simply can't put on my to do list. So what did make our list today was dancing (a lot... to that song "Say Hey I Love You", great dancing song), playing the game Princess and the Pea, and playing outside (even though it was a wee bit chilly). And we played upstairs a lot today, which really has the wheels turning for me. I need to do a better job with the space up there. It could be so much better...stay tuned.


Back Together Again... In Our New Clothes

After spending many more hours on Grace's quilt this weekend and still not having a finished product, I decided I needed to make some things that I could actually complete. So, Jackson got two new pairs of long shorts, and Grace capris and a skirt. All a lot of fun to make, and fairly easy. I am still learning though, and each one got a little better as I went along.

It was so great to have Grace back, and the reunion between the two of them was very cute (well for the first hour anyway). They really did miss each other. I asked Grace what the best part of being up north was. "The tractor rides!" she said without hesitating. "Really? Even better then swimming and fishing?" I asked. She thought for a moment, "Actually the best part was having special time with just daddy and me." (kids really are smarter then we give them credit for)

Well that about sums it up... I think we all had a good weekend in our own little way.


Jackson and Mama Time

Well really what the title should read is Jackson and Mama and Grandma and Grandpa time. We went to stay at my parent's house this weekend while Grace and Ryan were up north. It was a nice relaxing couple of days and Jackson really enjoyed having everyone to himself. And the big moment of the weekend- he took his first step. It is amazing how even the second time around it's still so exciting. I can't stop thinking about it actually. Over the next few months so much will change for him. Toddling, then walking, then running. Running. I can't imagine running right now. But so soon.
Anyway, it was great to spend some alone time with Jackson... for me too. There were picnics, swinging, piano time, walks, and even some sewing time for me. A perfect weekend.


I miss

Her. She called tonight..."I ate chocolate covered ice cream today and it was not organic." Love.



Ode to the dandelion

Ever since I've had children I've slowly grown more fond of the dandelion. They are such an icon of childhood. Or maybe an icon of a good childhood. For me the image conjures up feelings of innocence and small little summer scenes... like lazing around in the grass in bare feet... making princess crowns... a young child bringing a bouquet to their mom (as was the case with these particular dandelions). And really, if you can forget the fact that you've been told they're a weed your whole life, they are actually kind of pretty.

For someday...
Medicinal Uses of the Dandelion
Dandelion Recipes
Dandelion Wine

A little more spring cheer...


Spring Cheer

Just feeling grateful today for all the beauty in my life.


Ordinary Day

At first when I thought back over our day today, I was having a hard time even remembering what it consisted of. But then the more I thought, the more those little moments started to pop out; swinging in the hammock with Grace, our first lawn picnic, the three of us playing catch before dinner. It was one of those everyday days, yet woven in and around those ordinary moments were little bits of bliss.


Best Mother's Day... Ever

Well I know this is only my forth Mother's Day but it really was the best. The festivities got started yesterday (Yes festivities. Mother's Day is really more like Mother's Weekend around here) with me going to get my haircut at the local Aveda Salon, for a new summer cut. I also got in some quality alone time which I spent taking photographs for a new collage I'm working on and doing a little shopping in the antique stores downtown. Then this morning Grace put on a fancy dress to present the Mother's Day card she made me. This was followed by painting time with Ryan and Grace (while Jackson napped) as we all made cards for our mothers and grandmothers. Then my mom and sister came over for quiche (made by me), and this afternoon Ryan's mom and Scott came over for venison dinner (made by Ryan). And somewhere in between all that were lots of snuggles and play time with my babes. I think the two highlights were Jackson's "hi"ing and "bye"ing (which he's been doing for a few weeks now but today he was really showing off for Grandma Sam and Scott) and Grace telling me I'm her best friend (although this was followed up with "well you're my best-friend at night mommy... daddy's my best-friend during the day." Hmmm, how many times is my daughter going to refer to me as her best friend- I guess I'll take the night shift). Oh, did I mention I got to sleep in today. Yes, it was a good Mother's Day. Really good.



It's kind of been a crazy week. Not bad crazy, just busy crazy. And at times like this it really makes me appreciate the support I have in my life.

1. My mom
My mom came out today to watch the kids again. She was just here yesterday almost all day and then this morning I got a call from her asking if I could use a hand again. The amazing thing is, I rarely even have to ask, somehow she just knows when I'm in need of help. Sometimes I don't know how I'd do it without her.

2. My sister
Then today as I'm going about my busyness in a cloudy haze, out of the mailbox came the most wonderful card from my sister that stopped me right in my tracks. A Mother's Day card filled with some of the nicest things anyone has ever said about me. Of course it is far more praise then I ever deserve but nonetheless I drank in every word. And those little words carried me through the rest of the day... and I'm sure will carry me through many more.

And as if all that weren't enough, for the past few days I've had the privilege of gazing upon our two glorious rhododendron bushes that have bloomed to perfection.

Yes, I am a lucky lady indeed.


Nursing Acrobatics

I'm not so sure this picture does this little scene any justice. Actually to really do this justice I think I would have to capture it on video. One minute he'll be nursing on his back and then the next thing I know he's flipped around and practically standing up, sometimes doing a little dance (but still nursing). I remember this stage with Grace too... but I can't remember how long it lasts. It sure does make nursing interesting though, when the nursee is simultaneously trying to do such stunts.


Travel Tuesdays - House of Origin

Well I know this probably doesn't technically fall under my Travel Tuesday theme, but I'm going to pretend it does. Ryan kicked us out of the house for a few days so he could work on the floor without any interruptions from small feet. So Grace, Jackson and I packed up and went to my parent's house for the weekend. My sister decided to come make a weekend of it too, which made Grace ecstatic (Grammie and Papa and aunty Katie all under one roof, what could be better). And really what could be better. It's always nice with two little ones to have extra hands around (especially hands that love my kids) and so nice to be able to spend some quality time with my family. There really is something to be said for "going home". There's nothing quite like it really. Kind of like wrapping yourself in a nice warm blanket... pure comfort.

The picture above is of some treasures aunty Katie brought back for Grace from her latest trip. (See, I did manage to fit travel in here somehow.)


Picture Day

I'm not a big fan of the planny, posy type pictures. However, Mother's Day is coming up and both the Grandmas (and Great Grandma) have been asking for some new pictures. For some reason I just can't seem to bring myself to force my kids into a professional studio. Just the thought of bringing them in to get their pictures taken conjures up images of tears, frustrations, and a lot of sweating. So today we curled hair and wore cute (matching) clothes and attempted to take some framable photos. I did have to do a little bribery at first with some dates (the food not the appointment) since taking pictures is not high on Grace's list. Eventually she got into it thought... and between the fifty pictures I took there do seem to be a few cute ones that I think will make great gifts.